Ozalie Varoux
"I can assure you the pleasure I derive from seeing my party members fall in combat has no correlation to my predisposition for violence an-...oh shit you might be right..."
+18 only, themes may include triggers for others.
Including but not limited too, trauma, gore, murder, drugs, alcohol.
LGBTQIA+ friendly
18+ only
Relationships with IC Ozalie do not correlate to any kind of relationship OOC, friendship is welcome however anything else stays between our OC's.
I do not approve of god mode RP (taking control of how another character reacts or what they do in whatever scenario we're playing) To clarify on this it's cool to add exposition on things like 'He notices the way X hides their side' all good! that's fine but saying 'He notices the way X hides their side and rushes to aid them' not cool, anything that 'takes an action' is a no no.
Despite the darker side of Oz's story he will not be making any moves to kill other player characters without the players explicitly looking for a way to kill off/retire a character. He may at times do things that will harm other characters, threaten/poison/etc. but none of what he does ever has to have lasting effects on your character unless you want them too.
LGBTQIA+ friendly, I mean all of it yes, no cherry picking what is and isn't okay, If you are good with LGB but not good with the TQIA+ part leave now, no exceptions.
I do use mods both sfw and nsfw.
I will block any and all people whom I suspect only approached me with the intent of getting mods or artwork for free. Further if the 'friendship' begins to feel more like tech-support where in we are no longer roleplaying and I'm just making you things I'm calling it off, I'm not gonna say anything I'm just gonna ghost and we can both move on.
Name: Ozalie Snörökwesfv-Varoux |
Forest Name: 'V' - Vigi Snörökwesfv or Valdis Niahm |
Alias: Oz, Oza, Lee |
Age: 27 |
Date of birth: 21st Sun of the 1st astral moon - year 1550 |
Pronouns: He/Him |
Gender: Cis Male |
Orientation: Pansexual (Gay leaning) |
Species: Viera, Veena |
Occupation: Chirugeon/Archeologist |
Residence: Gridania |
Birth Place: Skatay Range |
Eye Color: Silver eyes (tapetum lucidum - meant to be more 'animal' like) |
Hair Color: Black and White, various patterns (sometimes split sometimes tipped, but always black and white) |
Hair Style: shoulder length shaggy hair but changes often. |
Height: around 6'1" |
Build: lean muscular |
Complexion: pale/ashen |
Piercings: 14 along his ears, a nose ring in his right nostril and a labret |
Tattoos: Various, the most notable, being the bouquet of azalea's crawling up his right arm, the half sleeve covering most his left pec down to his elbow and the large back tattoo. |
Scars: Various, the most notable would be a scar on his right eye, a large keloided scar running down his right arm from his elbow almost down to the wrist, a large burn scar on his right calf, and the claw marks on his left pec interlaced with a bullet hole. |
Other: Ozalie comes from an old highly secluded burrow along the range their leporine features more prominent than some. He has digitigrade feet, a small black tail, fangs and claws. |
Positive Traits: Attentive, Courteous, Dedicated, Freethinking, Gentle, Hardworking, Insightful, Logical, Observant, Practical, Relaxed, Studious |
Neutral Traits: Ambitious, Confidential, Noncompetitive, Private, Reserved, Sarcastic, |
Negative Traits: Amoral, Blunt, Callous, Mannered, Deceitful, Cautious, Criminal, Resentful, |
Loves: S N U R B L E B E R R I E S, this man will suck whatever you've got for some snurbleberries. Oz likes food that some would think weird, he doesn't batt an eye when he's offered things like grubs or pickled monsters parts. He knows full well that the vath ferment their Caelumtree wine inside one of their stomachs before regurgitating it to bottle and he loves the stuff. |
DND Alignment: Neutral Good |
Habits and Quirks
His head ticks like a pendulum when he's thinking,
When Oz is drunk his ears get floppy, they get progressively floppier as he's drinking.
For as serious as Oz can be he's actually a total goofball and will 100% act it if he's with someone he trusts, from wearing weird masks to asking weird questions (how do you think people cuddle with their centaur partners?/ is cereal soup?/ How many chickens would it take to kill an Auroch?)
He will sometimes go off on random spiels talking to or about a pet or object doing something completely mundane and weird that they cant actually do. he usually does this nonsense chatter when he just needs to hear someone talking but doesn't actually have anything so say, kind of like a nervous breakdown reaction coming up with weird nonsense to giggle at until he can work on forming normal thoughts again.
When Oz is exhausted, hurt or drunk his more leporine side kicks in, he can be extra affectionate and nuzzle his chin against others, thumping his foot on the ground, clicking or grinding his teeth when he's content or in pain.
Being Alone: The worst time in Oz's life was the two weeks he spent in 'The Burn' alone as an injured 7yr old, he had never been alone before so this stuck with him. (This is a fear Oz is actively aware of, he knows he doesn't like being alone, he doesn't need someone talking or to be actively doing stuff all the time, but he NEEDS to know that there are other people there, more of an 'existentially alone' than a 'physically alone' fear)
Losing Lupe or Lashes: This is in part tied to the one above but I'm including it as well anyway because while I feel Oz would be devastated if any of his friends died or were lost, if something were to happen to one of these or BOTH of them I don't think Oz would recover from it. (I don't think this is a fear Oz is conscious of, I think he would assume that if one of them die they all die because of the soul bond and he's fine with that, but if something happened that would make him think that they could be separated for good/die without the others then it would change him)
WORMS: This one is more a phobia for him not just a fear because its panic attack inducing levels of 'I am not ok'. To clarify he's not afraid of the bait your fishing hook worms he's specifically absolutely terrified of those giant sand worm type enemies. When facing those kind of enemies that will be the one time you see Oz NOT fighting in the front with his tank. He will be actively standing on top of the hardest most solid object in the vicinity at max range if he hasn't already teleported away and left everyone else to deal with it. He will nope out of there SO FAST!
Large Dogs: Make him uncomfortable, unless the dog is small enough to punt across the room he's visibly uncomfortable (standing a little farther away, on guard). In most situations if he see's a large dog in the vicinity he's fine but if one got excited and started running toward him without him realizing it until it was close he is liable to scream and freeze up, jump or run. (This is a fear that Oz is actively trying to get over)
RP style: Casual, slice of life, comedy, Violence, Romance, ERP, most things can be talked about so long as we're both having fun.
Tavern: Oz is always happy to chat with people at the bar, but if its during his solo hour he may be split between conversations. Additionally sometimes we take long breaks from running the tavern, that being said while the tavern might not be open don't hesitate to use it as a backdrop or 'reason' to meet, in our canon the tavern is a public space and always open even if we aren't there.Injured Need a check up? Oz is a chirurgeon and maintains a clinic in the tavern, if you aren't feeling well or are injured feel free to catch him at the tavern or call him to the clinic to tend to you. If the clinic is undergoing renovations he can also see you at his home office in Gridania.Archeology: Need a hand exploring some ruins? having trouble finding that one weird/obtuse piece of information to crack the code on your quest? Oz has spent a lot of time reading, uncovering artifacts, exploring ancient civilizations and the like. If you have a question or just wanna gush about your interests he's happy to listen.Criminal: It's probably just the weird mask but something about this guy gives you a bad vibe, maybe there's something more to that?
These are little short stories I've written over time, some are fully written others are placeholders for ideas that haven't been finished.
All of these are under the canon built between my friends and I as a Warrior of Light Trio.
Familly, Pets, Companions and relationships with scions or other notable characters will be written down here! If you are interested in learning this stuff via roleplay avoid this section!*Disclaimer: Not everything that is mentioned in this section is cannon for In-game roleplay, I generally leave out the WoL stuff for in-game so relationships with the scions and other prominent npcs are removed or ignored unless otherwise agreed upon
Other NPC's
Skatay Family
This section is about the friends and family Oz left on skatay as a kit. These don't currently play active roles in his story and are just here as a means to further fleshout past and future content.
Ragna is a Hrothgar woman traveling alone. Never one to be tied down long Ragna relished her nomadic lifestyle, relying on no one but herself. A fearsome resourceful woman she was taken in by the viera of Niahm when she saves Syn from getting caught under a sheet of ice. The accident leaves Ragna with a broken leg but her newfound family in Skatay tends to her and cares for her as their own until she is ready to leave again.
A quiet and diligent man who was offered to Niamh in a peace treaty. Talented with a polearm he became a beloved and prominent member of the village, he works with his 'sister' Unnr traveling between villages on the mountain to share supplies and trade along the harsh mountain.
Remarkably tall even among the already larger than normal viera along the top peaks of Skatay. Unnr is known most for her peaceful demeaner and diplomatic talents being responsible for greater trade and settling disputes peacefully along the range.
The chief of Niamh, Brynja is a bright and cheery woman. Boundless curiosity gets her into hot water among the others in her burrow as she tinkers and barters for weapons and technology from far away lands.
The tamest of the family, Geirr is known most for his elusive nature. One of the most accomplished Green Wards his role as 'Snörökwesfv' is whispered like a boogeyman among his peers. Known for coming out of the snow from nowhere and disappearing into it easily.
Other NPC's
The Leveilleurs
Once Ozalie held great love and respect for the Leveilleur family. Having met them in his youth as a young kit. Ozalie lived among them and many other Sharlayans in the Dravanian Outpost run by Fourchenault Leveilleur.Louisoix Leveilleur
Because of Theo's unique relationship with the leaders of the Dravanian outpost and the manner of Ozalie's arrival, Louisoix was more present in Ozalie's life than not. He often helped teach the young kits remedial lessons and aided in watching over the kit when Theo couldnt bring Ozalie along on an expedition. Overall Louisoix acted as a sort of surrogate grandfather and mentor until Ozalie and Theo parted ways with the rest of the the outpost during the exodus. Years later when Louisoix came to Gridania to urge an alliance in the face of the empire Ozalie urged his friend 'Connie' to truly consider the elder elezens plan.Fourchenault Leveilleur
Fourchenault was once a good friend to Ozalie's father Theodore and was regarded as an 'Uncle' more often that not. Fourchenault near obsession with his worth often led to mishaps between himself and the once rambunctous kit. Overtime as Ozalie grew into puberty and the outpost faced danger with rising tensions between Ala Mhigo and Garlemald the relationship with his 'uncle' deteriorated for good. Fourchenault called for the Exodus of the outpost which Ozalie saw as abandonment.Ameliance Leveilleur
The most Beloved, Ameliance was always kind and gentle with the kit even as he was learning Eorzean and couldn't communicate well with others. She used the time spent with the young kit as practice knowing she herself wanted to have children soon. She often berated her husband for being too hard on the kit and spoiled him as she now does her own children. Despite insistence on calling her 'Lady Leveilleur' (by Fourchenault) or 'Auntie' (by Theo) the young kit called her 'Mother Ameliance or Mother Amel' in accordance to how He was taught in his birth village, thus giving her the most respect and final say in all matters in his eyes.Alisaie Leveilleur
Alisaie has proven herself to be a young woman of action but in the same vein reckless and headstrong. She doesn't back down and while usually a positive trait Ozalie also sees it as a part of Forchenault who refused to back down on his stance regarding the Exodus and is apprehensive of the young woman because of this.Alphinaud Leveilleur
Ozalie has worked with Alphinaud a lot over the years. Most of the time spent together being experiences the older chirugeon would rather do without. Ozalie's disinterest in playing a part of Alphinauds plans has always been apartent to the younger man who has never understood Varoux's immediate hostility. The young elezen has often tried earnestly to gain the viera's approval and trust but feels like he has failed to do so at every turn. Ozalie see's a close resemblance to Fourchenault in Alphinaud but in a way worse than his father in that the youth lacks the presence to actually lead a command.The siblings overall
Ozalie is at odds with feelings toward the younger Leveilleurs. He recognizes the twin Leveilleurs as having no part in the Exodus and that they did not abandon what the young kit once perceived as family. He also cant find it in himself to try to connect with them now after all these years and risk being left behind all over again. He has noted though that the things he dislikes about either of the twins is quickly diminished in the presence of the other, when backed up by his sister Alphinauds presence is stronger and when tamed by her brothers mind Alisaie proves more thoughtful, when together Ozalie tends to be warmer toward the pair.
Other NPC's
Gaius Van Baelsar
The big bad wolf himself, Ozalie and Gaius are on bad terms with each other and likely always will be. Gaius is responsible for the perceived destruction of Ozalie's birthplace and the reason why Ozalie is no longer among his people on Skatay.
Other NPC's
Given to Ozalie as a child to act as a remedial teacher while living with the Sharlayans in the Dravanian outpost. This living tome secretly snuck out of the Great Gubal Library from the forbidden sections after growing bored of solitude. He easily replaced the much less 'alive' tome meant for the young viera and has gone on to teach the young Varoux a myriad of subjects with an air of knowledge and experience that no mere tome should have...
Other NPC's
Often seen scurrying around their viera master Lashes is a Deepeye voidsent. A small and rather peaceful cycloptic owl creature that enjoys snacks and bathtime. Ozalie found Lashes when he was eight and convinced his father to let the young kit keep the voidsent. Instead of denying the child Theo taught Ozalie how to form a 'bond' with the creature so they could be 'friends forever'. Deepeyes are often regarded as weak or low ranking voidsent among their hierarchy however documentation shows that the stronger the creature the possess upon crossing planes the more power they may exert within the realm...
Other NPC's
A mischievous red pixie that hangs out with Ozalie. Once a member of the Dreamspinners, Lupe found Oz through his nightmares. During the worst time in his life Lupe was there to give the kit precious moments of respite when they slept. Lupe stayed by Ozalie's side as he grew up and still today serves by his side on the battlefield and at night safe guarding his dreams.
Other NPC's
Theodore Varoux
The man that found and eventually adopted Ozalie after finding the injured kit in the wasteland of 'The Burn'.
Theodore Varoux is the eorzean alias for
A self proclaimed archeologist and explorer. At a young age he garnered a lot of attention due to his outspoken nature and activism.
Other NPC's
Out of Character
Hey there, If you're checking out here you're prolly interested in roleplaying or at least checking out some of the other things I do, awesome thanks for perusing my stuff.
I'm 'Oz' the name Ozalie has been a longtime screen-name for me so when I originally made my 14 character I had already used it and just built a new OC using the same name sorry if that's confusing at all. lol
I studied game design for a time and have a big interest in art and modding.
At the time of writting this in 2023 I am a 29 yr old trans-man in the U.S.
Below are some links to my things and places where you can hmu.
Fair warning, I am more talkative in-game than I am IRL, I am not great at talking to people irl especially not vocally, sorry in advance.